Attributes of High Performance Schools*
high performance adjective
: better, faster, or more efficient than others
: modified to give superior performance
at·tri·bute noun \ˈa-trə-ˌbyüt\
: a usually good quality or feature that someone or something has
: an inherent characteristic
Daylight helps reinforce a child’s circadian rhythms, it helps improve student test scores and reduces school energy costs.
Many studies have reported that the acoustical design of the classroom can influence the student's academic performance.
1. Managing Asthma In School Environments
2. Association of Classroom Ventilation with
Reduced Illness Absence
1. Temperature and Office Work Performance
2. Temperature and School Work Performance
3. Control of Temperature for Health and
Productivity in Offices
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality, can improve health, increase students’ ability to learn, improve test scores, and improve adult productivity in the school system.
Thermal Comfort
Optimal thermal environment improves student and teacher performance in the classrooms. If these elements are not addressed, school districts leave both teachers and students in an environment in which they must adapt to poor comfort levels.
Furniture, Comfort & Flexibility
Ergonomic classroom furniture, student comfort and learning environment flexibility, will become a critical component in a high performing school.
The 21st century learning environment will utilize information communication technology as a resource and a tool to acquire and create knowledge. The use and access to technology within a school will be pervasive and ubiquitous.
There is a strong link between safety and academic performance. Research has demonstrated that students who feel safer at school have higher GPAs.
*These videos and discussed content are usually of intense interest to districts that are planning their future facilities. While the master planning team does not necessarily agree with every concept proposed and presented in this section, we do hope they will spark conversations and dialog over the subject matter.